World Record Longest Cumshot Belongs to Horst Schultz!

Ever wonder who has the world record for the longest cum shot?  I’ve often admired my own long distance cumshots and thought to myself how I stack up against the world record for longest ejaculation.  I also pondered, is there such a thing?  Is there a record book for this type of athletic achievement that belongs in the sex hall of fame?  Over the weekend I spent some down time looking into this exact topic, and today all you curious cum shot people, I have an answer for you.

Grab a drink, and get ready to be amazed at how far the furthest cumshot traveled!

Of course, my research led me to a lot of confusion, so for full transparency, this story is somewhat of an urban legend and goes off of a lot of different sources.

What is the World’s Longest Cum Shot?

According to Yahoo! Answers, Horst Schultz, hailing from the USA, has the record for the world’s furthest traveling ejaculation!  The gold medal jizzer had a load that sailed 18 feet and 9 inches.

Horst Schultz has become an Internet sensation, at least in the dark, deviant world that guys like me live in.  If you do a Google search for his name, you’ll come up with a long list of other people that share the same name, including people who have the following traits:

  • Soccer players
  • Architects
  • Authors
  • Inventors

But, there is only one jizz king with that name.  When he made his semen load travel almost 19 feet, supposedly traveling at a speed of over 42 miles an hour, he became the Michael Jordan of ejaculating.

(Or, should I say Steph Curry, due to the long range ability he possesses? )

These incredible and almost unbelievable records aren’t official and are completely unsubstantiated according to MelMagazine, (huge assist for helping me with this story), and I can’t even find a photo of Horst Schultz.  There is a YouTube video created about his ability to launch the world record cum shot, but you can tell it’s something made just to gain YouTube views and therefore, make the creator of the video a few extra bucks on page views.

Video of the Longest Ejaculation

It’s unknown if the man in the cape is actually Horst Schultz.  

I spent a lot of time, probably too much time, chasing down this story and found myself wondering how everyone is convinced that this world record cum shot is legit.

The first mention that I found of Schultz an his traveling load date way back to 2005.  It was in a now-removed Yahoo! answers thread where a user answered a query about records for long distance cum shots.  (Geez, what the hell was this guy thinking that day who asked that question?)

The answer was reportedly a copy and paste answer from another website, which of course, also has removed the content.  (And so goes the Urban Legend.)

I’ve been publishing content online since the late 90’s. I can say whole-heartedly that people can post about any answer on sites like Yahoo! answers, and if they get “votes,” they become the top answer.  That’s it.  No fact checking, credibility, or police out there saying what’s right, or wrong.  That’s my take as devil’s advocate.

Of course, I’ve also learned that once something is posted on the Internet, especially with the frequency of social media and “retweeting” stories, it gets re-posted on other websites.  Sometimes they are smaller websites looking for attention, but sometimes, larger, more credible sites run with the story, and that’s how the “lie becomes the truth,” as they say.

There are some of those types of sites that have gone on board with the cumshot record, including eBaum’s World, and even a site called Mandatory that went as far as saying the Guiness Book of World Records talked about it.  (That ended up being false.)

Is the Longest Ejaculation Record Legit?

I throw around a lot of loads, let’s just be honest here.  I’ve been a pretty openly sexual guy since age 15 when I lost my virginity, and ever since, I’ve been involved in a lot of sexual conquests and been turned on, turned off, and everything in between.  I’ve met horny women all over the world and had some that really turned me on.  There was the little spinner escort in Costa Rica that got more semen out of me than I thought was possible.   There was the selfie queen from sweetsext that could go all night, and a lot of other memories and experiences that lead me to believe that I’ve given my all to produce a long distance cum shot and I know that it’s simply not possible to shoot a load that far.

I really don’t buy the story. It’s like Big Foot, Kaiser Solzay, and every other little urban legend we want to believe, but shouldn’t.  

Take into consideration the SCIENCE that shows the average male ejaculate goes up to about 10 inches, which isn’t even a foot, and the story becomes even more unbelievable.

Sure, you can come across videos where guys are shooting loads five or six feet, but those are even grainy videos with a lot of flaws and no real measurement.

How to Make Your Cum Shots Go Further

If you are looking to learn how to shoot cum further, you are in the right place. Fortunately, I’ve spent considerable time in my deviant like to help answer this question.

There are lot of ways you can do that, but the first thing to know is that while you can eat all the right things in your diet, live the lifestyle that helps your body function optimally, do kegel exercises, and all that, but there’s a couple magical formulas sold as supplements and you’ll have to take one of those in order to compete with the big boys.

This is the porn star stuff that you won’t see everywhere, but it’s starting to become mainstream in the dark underbelly of the adult world.

You can buy Semenax or Volume Pills – both brands are top quality and get amazing results.

For my money, I opt for Semenax, I tend to feel like I get results quicker when taking that one. I’ll save the pics and let you use your imagination, of course.  Don’t way to scare away any new readers!

I noticed my loads went a lot further on Semenax, but I would cum a lot more when I used the volume pills.  So whatever result you are looking for, keep that in mind.

Happy shooting!